Pelvic Toner

Pelvic Toner

Brand:Vitality Medico
Availability:In Stock
  • £24.00

  • £30.00
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PelvicToner Pelvic Floor Toner Exerciser Kit

A healthy pelvic floor is crucial at all stages of life.PelvicToner exercises your pelvic floor muscles which can cureembarrassing leaks and significantly improve your sex life. By exercising your pelvic floor you will help to strengthen the musclesthat support the vagina, urethra, bladder, uterus and rectum. In turnthis could dramatically alleviate urinary incontinence, supportchildbirth, discourage pelvic disease and menstrual problems, andimprove your sexual enjoyment and responsiveness.9 Million Women in the UK may Experience Stress IncontinenceResearch conducted by The Continence Foundation suggeststhat most women are too embarrassed to mention stress incontinence totheir doctor, friends or even their partner.

Their research estimatesthat over 9 million women in the UK experienced this problem in the lastyear.It often misconceived that stress incontinence can onlyaffect older women. A third of new mums suffer stretched vaginal musclesduring childbirth and then suffer leaks when they begin postnatalexercise.If you neglect to rectify the stretching of your pelvic floormuscles then the problem can stay with you for many years. It may alsoget worse after your menopause due to the decline in oestrogenproduction which leads to a natural loss of vaginal muscle tone.

To help prevent the problem health professionalsrecommend that every woman should perform regular, effective pelvicfloor exercises throughout their lives but especially before becoming pregnant.What is Stress Incontinence?Stress incontinence is an involuntary loss of urine thatoccurs during physical activity, such as coughing, sneezing, laughing,or exercise. It is a bladder storage problem in which the strength ofthe urethral sphincter is diminished, and the sphincter is not able toprevent urine flow when there is increased pressure from the abdomen.Stress incontinence occurs as a result of weakened pelvic muscles thatsupport the bladder and urethra, generally because of a lack ofexercise, age and child birth.Regular Exercise can Strengthen the Pelvic FloorHalf of all women will experience incontinence problemsat some time but medical research by the Royal College of Physiciansshowed that 80% of suitable stress incontinence cases can be cured orimproved with a good pelvic floor exercise programme.

Research supportsthat pelvic floor exercises, when performed correctly, are far moreeffective than using vaginal cones or electro-stimulation.The PelvicToner guarantees to improve the effectiveness of your exercisesThe PelvicToner programme builds on traditional Kegelexercises and takes just 5 to 10 minutes each day. The PelvicToner willhelp women of any age exercise correctly, and much more effectively, byfocusing your efforts on the correct muscle group.

It is a progressiveresistance exerciser which means as your muscle tone improves you canincrease the resistance to make it harder to squeeze. “Squeezing the PelvicToner improves muscle tone and blood flow in the vagina, which gives you more intense orgasms” Cosmopolitan Sex Reviews July 2003The PelvicToner has won a Janey Loves 2011 Platinum AwardThe Best innovative women`s product - PelvicTonerContains: One PelvicToner Pelvic Floor Toner and Two Springs.

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Tags: PelvicToner, pelvic floor, pelvic health, pelvic floor exercises, stress incontinence, urinary incontinence, vaginal health, bladder support, childbirth, pelvic disease, menstrual problems, sexual enjoyment, sexual responsiveness, women's health, postnatal exercise, menopause, oestrogen production, vaginal muscle tone, pelvic muscle stretching, pelvic muscle tone, pelvic muscle exercises, pelvic floor strength, muscle strengthening, urethral sphincter, bladder support, abdominal pressure, Royal College of Physicians, incontinence treatment, pelvic floor exercise program, Kegel exercises, vaginal cones, electro-stimulation, progressive resistance exerciser, muscle tone improvement, blood flow, vaginal health, orgasm intensity, Cosmopolitan Sex Reviews, Janey Loves Platinum Award, innovative women's product, PelvicToner kit, PelvicToner exercises, PelvicToner springs, pelvic health products, women's wellness, pelvic wellness, bladder control, pelvic muscle tone, pelvic muscle health, pelvic floor toner, pelvic floor exercise device, women's health product, pelvic floor health, pelvic floor toner, urinary health, continence, pelvic floor device, pelvic floor toner kit, pelvic floor exercises, pelvic floor therapy, pelvic floor workout, pelvic floor strengthener, vaginal health product, pelvic floor muscle toner, stress incontinence relief, pelvic floor muscle strength, pelvic floor muscle exerciser, pelvic floor exerciser kit, pelvic floor muscle trainer, pelvic floor muscle exerciser, urinary incontinence treatment, pelvic muscle exerciser